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$138,000 SFR Purchase Bridge Loan

Funded By: Sharestates

In the thriving city of Indianapolis, IN, a significant real estate transaction was successfully closed on July 31, 2023. This transaction involved a substantial loan amount of $138,000, representing 72% of the property’s appraised value.

Key Loan Details:

Property Type: The property in question is a Single-Family Residence (SFR), highlighting the diverse real estate opportunities in the Indianapolis market.

Loan Term: The financing arrangement offers a 12-month term, providing the borrower with a strategic window to achieve their investment objectives.

Loan Type: This financial arrangement is classified as a Purchase Bridge Loan, a versatile instrument commonly employed for real estate acquisitions.

This transaction underscores the dynamic nature of the Indianapolis real estate market and showcases the importance of adaptable financing solutions that empower investors to seize valuable opportunities.

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